Chesterfield's Secret Santa
Bob Mills Photo
(1984 CHS Calendar)
Born on Nov. 23, 1855, Frank C. Hamilton was the fourth generation of the Hamilton family in Chesterfield. He was one of George L. and Hannah Hamilton’s five children (three survived to adulthood). Frank went on to live a long and productive life. His father George L. Hamilton manufactured doors, sashes, and window-binds in Chesterfield Factory. Frank C. helped with the family business while still being a lifelong farmer.
Hamilton Family Homes Circled
Around 1888, Frank's older brother Frederick helped found the Mt. Pistareen Grange #145, an organization in Chesterfield Factory (Spofford) dedicated to promoting and supporting the local agricultural community. Frank C. soon joined, and served as Secretary for 30 years. He eventually became Master, the title given to the individual whose primary duty is to see that the Grange's work is successfully carried out. Frank C. was also involved in founding the Spofford (Chesterfield Factory) Cemetery Association in 1888. He served as treasurer and secretary for 30 years as well.
Frank C. and his wife Flora were childless. After losing Flora in 1932, Frank C. decided to bequest part of his assets to his community. Being active in the town, Frank C. saw the plight of Chesterfield’s poor. It was the custom of the day to identify anyone who received town aid in the annual Town Report. Each individual’s case was itemized down to the penny.
Upon his death on May 3, 1939, Frank C.’s bequest created three perpetual care town trust funds totaling $3,500. The funds’ interest would be distributed to the library (which was just getting established), “poor children”, and a Christmas gift of $10 would be given to the town’s poor and elderly. The recipients would be decided by the Board of Selectmen.
All the Trust funds were established in 1941. Although the amounts are small in today’s dollars, the three Town trustees still follow the perpetual trusts written instructions. The interest earned annually in the Poor Child fund goes into an existing account that is used by the Chesterfield School principal and nurse to help children in need. The interest earned by the Library fund goes to the Library Trustees annually. And each December whatever increment of $10 is available from the Poor Elderly account is given to the Town Administrator, who determines the recipient(s) for the Board of Selectmen. Some years, this account doesn’t earn enough for distribution to one person. However, this year, the fund can provide for four recipients.
In keeping with Frank C. Hamilton’s wishes, the funds have been distributed for the past 82 years.
Merry Christmas to the Town of Chesterfield from Frank C. Hamilton,
Chesterfield's Secret Santa!
Spofford Cemetery