Chesterfield Historical Society - Chesterfield New Hampshire

Chesterfield New Hampshire Historical Society

Historical Trivia

Historical Trivia

An Abenaki Story about Oodzee-hozo

How New England's landscape was created

Chesterfield's Proprietors Chart & Royal Charter

A 2023 restored copy of the c1760 Proprietors Chart and a summary of the 1752 Royal Charter

Six Reasons why Chesterfield's was not settled till 1761

Although Chartered in 1733 and 1752, the first Anglo Settlers delayed their arrival.

New Hampshire's War with Vermont

Chesterfield's role in the New Hampshire Land Grants Controversy and its secession from NH

The King's Broad Arrow Acts: Mast Trees for the Royal Navy

During colonial times, there were restrictions on the harvest of Eastern White Pines

Mrs. Mary Rowlandson's 17th Century Ordeal

A summary of the book Captivity and Redemption or Mrs. Mary Rowlandson in 1676

Physicians Training 19th Century

How the change in training made grave robbing lucrative

The Pine Tree Riot

Rebellion against the King's Broad Arrow Acts

Sheep, Stonewalls, and Wheel Heads

How Chesterfield impacted the Nation or

Why CHS Logo is the Miner's Accelerated Wheel Head

This includes a video on how the Great Wheel with the Accelerated head works

The Western Abenaki

A brief look into the culture of the Western Abenaki

What Day is it?

 How the town got its name, and its connected to the calendar!

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